The Underhand Toss

Underhand Toss
Here is an example of the underhand toss.

The purpose of the underhand toss is to provide an efficient way for officials to move the ball with accuracy on the field of play. The underhand toss enables officials to keep the ball low to the ground and out of the lights. It also enables officials to track the ball easier from their partner to their hands. The underhand toss is perfect for short distances as officials do not have to use much force to get the ball to its destination.

4 Steps to the Underhand Toss

  • #1 Grip the Laces
  • #2 Use a pendulum motion to provide balance and stability
  • #3 Step toward the target to help drive the ball through the air
  • #4 Spin the ball as it is released to provide accuracy


Below is a video demonstrating the underhand toss:

Underhand Toss